Foster Care

JAFCO foster families are loving substitute families that open their homes to children in need of care.
Our foster families provide care for a temporary period of time, up to two years on average. JAFCO assists with adoptions through the foster care system and also works privately with birth parents in need of a safe placement for their child.
Children enter foster care when it is determined that they are unable to be safely and adequately cared for by their birth families. They are referred to JAFCO through the state foster care system, the court or privately by birth parents, grandparents, family members or professionals involved with the child.
The primary goal of foster care is to reunite children with their birth parents. While the child is in foster care, all family members including birth parents receive supportive services from JAFCO as they work towards family reunification. If the birth parents or the court decides that reunification is not possible, then alternate permanent solutions such as relative placement, adoption or independent living (in the case of older children) are sought.
Foster parenting, therefore, is not a lifetime commitment to a child, but a commitment to be meaningful during the child’s lifetime. Foster parenting means families helping families.
Families in the community who wish to become a licensed foster family must meet the following foster care licensing requirements:
- Completion of an 30 hour course
- Demonstrate an understanding of foster care issues as well as an ability to provide a safe, loving, and stable environment
- Two family consultations
- Adequate space for the child
- CPR and water safety training
- Criminal background clearance and satisfactory personal, employer, and neighbor references
- Home sanitation inspection
- Physical and psychological examination
- Stable marital and family relationships (single parents are welcome)
- Adequate income
Foster parents must be able to provide a healthy, safe and nurturing environment for children who are in crisis. Licensed foster parents receive a monthly board payment to reimburse them for the basic cost of caring for each child placed in their home. The children are also provided with health insurance. JAFCO provides complete case management services for the children and 24-hour on-call support to the foster parents.
To begin the process of fostering or adoption please attend an informative orientation session offered on the following dates:
2025 Foster Care and Adoption Orientation Dates
January 7 | February 4 | April 1 |
May 6 | July 1 | August 5 |
September 2 | November 4 | December 2 |
All orientations are on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm at the JAFCO Village. To register please contact Katie Ginsberg at [email protected] or 954-315-8676.
In accordance with ACF and OCR, JAFCO follows all MEPA and Title VI guidelines and our foster care and adoption program is free from discrimination based on Race, Color and National Origin. For more information please download this document on ensuring the best interest of children.