
We are committed to providing adoptive homes for children who are in need of a permanent family.
Honesty, communication, and support are the key elements for a successful adoption.
The members of the adoption team include the birth parents and their extended family, adoptive parents, JAFCO social worker, attorney, the child’s therapist and other helping professionals.
Birth Parents needing to make an adoption plan for their child are offered the following services free of charge:
- Pre and post-adoption counseling and social work support
- Legal representation
- The opportunity to participate in the adoption planning process, including selecting and meeting the adoptive family
- Assistance with living and medical expenses during pregnancy
If you are a parent and need help or are pregnant and need more information about adoption please contact our adoption specialist, Katie Ginsberg at [email protected] or 954-315-8676.
If this is an after-hours emergency you may contact our on-call social worker at 754-245-3872 who will be happy to talk with you.
When you call there will be no pressure or obligation to place your child. We will support you and go over all of your options with you and help you make the best decision for you and your child.

Adoptive families are willing to make a lifetime, legal commitment to a child (age 0-18). Married couples or single individuals interested in adoption must first obtain an adoption home study. This document indicates that the family meets all criteria necessary for adoption according to agency policy and Florida law. Home study fees are based on income and calculated on a sliding scale ($600-$1,200).
To be approved for a home study through JAFCO, prospective adoptive parents must first:
- Complete an 8-week pre-service training program offered by JAFCO
- Obtain satisfactory local, state and federal criminal background investigations and reference checks (including fingerprinting)
- Complete an autobiographical profile
- Undergo a physical and psychological examination
- Demonstrate an understanding of adoption issues as well as an ability to provide a safe, loving and stable environment
- Have adequate income
- Have stable marital and family relationships (single parents are welcome)
After completion of a positive home study, JAFCO will match the adoptive family with an appropriate child in need of a permanent family. JAFCO participates in both state and private adoption work. State adoption implies that the child is in the custody of the State of Florida and, therefore, the adoption expenses are covered by the state allowing families to adopt (usually older children) at no cost.
Private adoption implies that the birth parents are making the choice to place their infant for adoption. Private infant adoption fees are based upon a sliding scale and range from $12,000 sliding down to $6,000 plus living and medical expenses for the birth mother.
To begin the process of fostering or adoption please attend an informative orientation session offered on the following dates:
2025 Foster Care and Adoption Orientation Dates
January 7 | February 4 | April 1 |
May 6 | July 1 | August 5 |
September 2 | November 4 | December 2 |
If you are a parent and need help or are pregnant and need more information about adoption, please contact JAFCO Director of Foster Care and Adoption Katie Ginsberg at [email protected] or 954-315-8676.
In accordance with ACF and OCR, JAFCO follows all MEPA and Title VI guidelines and our foster care and adoption program is free from discrimination based on Race, Color and National Origin. For more information please download this document on ensuring the best interest of children.