In My Shoes JAFCO Luncheon graphic

Dance the night away at an EXCLUSIVE concert with up-and-coming famous country singer, Maggie Baugh, currently on tour with Keith Urban.

$198 per person

Delicious Kosher dinner and cocktails included.

For more information contact JAFCO Events Manager Tracy Winters at [email protected] or 954-315-8672.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


Southwest Ranches, FL – The White Barn


$90 Per Person, open seating

Underwriting & Sponsorship Opportunities

All underwriters and sponsors receive recognition on the JAFCO website and during the event.

Exclusive Underwriting Opportunities

$7,500 White Barn Exclusive Venue Underwriter
Includes reservations for 12 and 12 Exclusive Sponsor Drawing entries; name announced several times during the event and listed as Venue Underwriter on tables, JAFCO’s website, social media posts, e-mail invitation, digital screens at event, and on all other collateral materials.

$5,000 Bourbon Exclusive Beverage Underwriter
Includes reservations for 8 and 8 Exclusive Sponsor Drawing entries; name announced during the event, and listed as Beverage Underwriter at the event bar, on JAFCO’s website, social media posts, e-mail invitation, digital screens at event, and on all other collateral materials.

Sponsorship Opportunities

$5,000 Rodeo Sponsor
Includes reservations for 8 and 8 Exclusive Sponsor Drawing entries; name listed as Rodeo Sponsor at event registration, on the JAFCO’s website, social media posts, e-mail invitation, digital screens at event, and on other collateral materials. Company or family name announced during the event.

$3,600 Wild Wild West Sponsor
Includes reservations for 6 and 6 Exclusive Sponsor Drawing entries, name listed on the JAFCO website, social media posts, e-mail invitations, digital screens at the event, and on other collateral materials. Company or family name announced during the event.

$1,800 Saddle Up Sponsor
Includes reservations for 4 and 4 Exclusive Sponsor Drawing entries, name listed on the JAFCO website, social media posts, e-mail invitations, digital screens at the event, and on other collateral materials. Company or family name announced during the event.

$900 Two-Step Sponsor
Includes reservations for 2 and 2 Exclusive Sponsor Drawing entries, name listed on the JAFCO website, all social media posts, e-mail invitations, digital screens at the event, and on other collateral materials.

For more information contact JAFCO Events Manager Tracy Winters at [email protected] or 954-315-8672.

Underwriters & Sponsors

Thank You to Our Generous Underwriters and Sponsors

Two-Step Sponsor
Dr. Marianna Blyumin-Karasik
Alon Grosman
Sherry Levine
Jesse Schneider

Saddle Up Sponsor
Eric Wortman

 Horsing Around Entertainment Underwriter
Zoey & Bill Gray

Event Committee

Thank You to Our Committee Members!

Haley Walker
Jackie Arboleda
Maya Schneider
Zoey Gray
Alexis Knapp
Bari Weizman
Natalie Mor
Lindsay Gray
Mary Hirsch
Ilana Dresher
Galit Lipnik
Brooke Rich