Legacy Circle

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. The JAFCO Legacy Circle is dedicated to honor those donors who have included the children of JAFCO in their estate.
We will never stop saying their name and so they will live in the hearts of the children and their JAFCO family… forever.
The Legacy Circle planned giving program will achieve your charitable goals while making a meaningful impact. There are many simple ways for you to fulfill your charitable desires with a gift that will continue your legacy for years to come. Please contact your financial advisor to discuss:
- Leaving a gift in a will or a bequest
- Leaving a gift of life insurance
- Giving a gift of IRA or retirement assets
- Making a gift of cash or appreciated stock
- Creating a Charitable Gift Annuity
- Providing a Charitable Remainder Trust
For more information, contact JAFCO Philanthropy Director Janet Epstein at [email protected] or 954-315-8696.
To join the JAFCO Legacy Circle, please complete the form below and someone from our team will contact you.
"*" indicates required fields
Legacy Circle Members
- Sondra Aaronson
- Annie Adler Estate
- Richard Allen
- Stephanie & Norman Altman
- Julia Atkins Estate
- Susan & Mark Auerbach
- Rosalyn August
- Linda Rosenkranz Balch
- Ruth & Charles Barbash Estate
- Millicent & Benjamin Bauer Estate
- Amy & Stanley Baumwald
- Penny & Philip Baumwald
- Charity Trust
- Doria & Allen Bender
- Beverly & Philip Berman Estate
- Joan & Leslie Berman
- Nanci & Stephen Beyer
- Vivian & Theodore Black Estate
- Eugene Blond Estate
- Robin Bordewick
- Adele & Samuel Borger Estate
- Bruce Borger
- Helen & Herbert Borger Estate
- Karen Borger
- Selma Brenner Estate
- Walter Brown Estate
- Rosalind & William Burd
- Anita & Ralph Byer
- Erhla & Daniel Cantor
- Edward Carr Yale Estate
- Ruth E. Cohan Estate
- Marcia & Philip Cohen
- Myra & Barry Cohen
- Ofri & Jacob Cohen
- Natalie & Edward Coleman
- Lillian P. Dash Estate
- Annie & Abraham David
- Janet Davis
- Minerva & David Davis Estate
- Judy & Daniel Dobin
- David & Judy Dines
- Anita Drittel Estate
- Lesley & Philip Dubs
- Irving Eckhardt Estate
- Selma Ephross Estate
- Phyllis & Charles Epstein
- Sheila R. & David G. Epstein
- Janet & Robert Fabricant
- Sandra & David Feldman
- Captain Stephen Felsen
- Dorothy Frankel Estate
- Edna Fried Estate
- Diane S. Friedman
- Phyllis Fure Estate
- Nomee Furman Estate
- Eileen & Harold Garlick
- Andrea & Thomas Gero
- Muriel & Irving Gerstein Estate
- Bernard W. Gimbel Estate
- Roberta & Ronald Gimpel
- Charlotte Glassberg Estate
- Shirley & Joseph Gleich Estate
- Ruth & Harold Goldberg Estate
- Vivian & Irving Golden Estate
- Beatrice Goldfarb Estate
- Gale Goldstein Tucker
- Dorothy Goodman
- Susan F. Green
- Maggie & Stewart Greenberg
- Sylvia Greenberg Estate
- Sylvia & Maurice Gruber Estate
- Meryl & John Guerrero
- Gulden Private Foundation
- Mona & Eli Habib
- Louis, Julia & Sheldon Haffner
- Family Memorial Fund
- Tillie Hamelstein Estate
- Becky & Laurence Herrup
- Milton Hesslein Estate
- Tina & David Hirr
- Helen & Samuel Holzer Estate
- Marci & Ronald Holzer
- Ann Jacobs Estate
- Louise Jacowitz Allen
- Alexander Janow Estate
- Lori Janow
- Beatrice Josephson Estate
- Wallace Katz Estate
- Elinore Lambert & Jerome Kelter Estate
- Lois & Stephen Kaufman
- Lenore Kittman Estate
- Iris Klein Estate
- Debra & Gerald Kramer
- Linda & Gary Krat
- Judith E. Kravitz
- Helen Kuriansky Estate
- Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation
- Estelle & Marvin Goldman
Lori Janow
Elinore Lambert & Jerome Kelter
Beth Lebovitz
Patricia Leffler & Bart Sklansky
Frank Levine Estate
Jo & Al Levine
Joann & Frederick H. Lipsky
Heleen Lowe
Arlene & Joseph Makler
Claire & Gerald Manowitz
Kathe & Ray Mark
Alan Markowitz
Gail & Steven Marlow
Rita Carole Messner
Anna Miller Estate
Elizabeth Lakie Miller Estate
Elayne & Sam Millman Estate
Roslyn Moinester Estate
Marica & Bob Neiman
Sylvia & Arnold Nestel Estate
Abraham Samuel Obstbaum
Stephanie Owitz
Liliya & Harold Paul
Sandi & Max Paul
Joan Goldberg Picone
Jan Pitcher Estate
Sheldon M. Pittleman
David Polen Estate
Marjorie & Maurice D. Plough, Jr.
Myra & Neil Pompian
Lawrence Price
Ruth K. Price Estate
Jules Reich
Edward Rickmann Estate
Rose & Samuel Riemer
William Rosenberg Estate
Sandra Rosenow
Lenore Rothman Estate
Gloria & Solomon Rothstein
Lillian Rozen Estate
Evelin & Harold Rubin Estate
Leah & Walter Ruderfer Estate
Sara & Martin Sager Estate
D. Jerry Sall Estate
Simon Sapirstein Estate
Marjorie & George Schachter
Mildred & Sol Schaikowitz
Eileen S. Schary
Fannie & Benjamin Schatz
Susan & Lester Scher
Eugene Schneck
Beryl & Robert Schneider
Francine L. & John E. Schultz
Saul Schwartz Estate
Laura & Allen M. Shapiro
Miriam & Robert Shapiro
Michael Sibner
Shirley & Arthur Siegel
Patricia Simon
Sandra & Charles Simon
Selma & Nathan Singer Estate
Carol & Milton Sirota Estate to the Legacy Circle
Dorothy & Morris Small Estate
Susan & Stevan Smallow
Annette Smith
Sylvia & Harold Solinsky Estate
Sandi & Leonard Solomon
Ethel & Dave Sommer Estate
Samantha & Andrew Sossin
Elissa Spiro
Maurine & Andrew Starr Estate
Edith & Martin Stein
Carol Madelyn Steinman
William G. Stevens Estate
Alan Stone
Susan & Daniel Stone
Margo & Peter Strauss
Ruth Stroheim Estate
Katie & Harry Sugarman Estate
Amy & Barry Sylvetsky
Arie A. Taykan & Company
Austin W. Tupler
Rochelle & Fred Umschweis
Elise & Ronny Udelson
Hanna Wagner Estate
Mollie Waldman Estate
Anita & Norton Waltuch
Kim & Randall Waltuch
Helene & Stephen Weicholz
Enid & Eugene Weinberg
Iris Weingarten
Pamela & Robert Weinroth
Laura Weinsoff Estate
Rita & Stan Weinstein
Weinstein Mitzvah Foundation Inc.
Helen & Armin Weiss Estate
Joseph Weiss
Lucille Wiedman Estate
Dr. Michael R. & Judith N. Wolov
Fay & Abraham Zalcberg Estate
Irving Zeller Estate
as of 3/2024