The Godparent Circle

JAFCO Godparents spiritually “adopt” abused and neglected children to ensure that they have everything they need.
As a Godparent, you welcome the children to experience both the beauty of the world and of Judaism. The Godparent Circle has been created to ensure that each child will have a wonderful life filled with every opportunity that all children should have.
The Godparent Circle
Godparents make a commitment to support the children with a gift of $18,000 payable in one payment or $1,800 a year for ten years. Two special 14K gold pins have been created for our Godparents featuring the JAFCO logo which symbolizes our mission — a child swinging joyously on the Tree of Life. Since it is the perfect birthday or anniversary gift, you can become a Godparent at any time of the year and it would be our honor to pin you at one of our events. Your name will join our Wall of Honor at the Jewish Children’s Village.
Godparents for Life
Our Godparents for Life donors pledge to donate $1,800 a year as long as they are able. This commitment offers the children of JAFCO even greater security for their future. They receive two specially commissioned candle holders created exclusively for JAFCO by artist Yaacov Heller as a gift from the children.
Recommitted Godparents
Our Recommitted Godparents commit to raising another generation of children at the JAFCO Children’s Village by making a second pledge of a minimum of $18,000 payable in one payment or over the next ten years. They receive a specially commissioned candle holder created exclusively for JAFCO by artist Yaacov Heller as a token of our appreciation.
For more information about becoming a Godparent, contact JAFCO Development Officer Elise Dolgow at [email protected] or 954-732-0353.
Godparents list is current as of 06/2024.
To become a Godparent Circle member, please complete the form below and someone from our team will contact you directly to process your donation and to personally thank you.
"*" indicates required fields
Godparents for Life
- Margo & Richard Absher
- Richard Allen
- Susan & Bruce Arbeiter
- Dara & Alan Berger
- Joan & Leslie Berman
- Nanci & Stephen Beyer
- Stephanie & Frank Bielenberg
- Nel & Jonathan Bloom
- Jacqueline & Robert Brauser
- Linda & Don Brodie
- Ellen & Donald Brounstein
- Marny Dixon
- Vanessa Elias
- Wendy & Richard Fenton
- Francee Ford
- Elaine & Harold Friedland
- Beth & David Geduld
- Dorinne & Jeffrey Gerstin
- Magda & Malcolm Ginnis
- Mara & Mel Gober
- Lori & Lewis Gold
- Leslie Goldberg
Sandra & Paul Goldner - Maggie & Stewart Greenberg
Margery & Stephen Greenspan
Ellen & Gerald Greenspoon
Joan & Paul Hauser
Lisa and Gary Hertzberg
Ursula & Leonard Hess
Lois Hollander & Steven Schlosser
Sharon & Paul Kaliner
Roberta Katz
Lois & Stephen Kaufman
Fran & David Krathen
Jacqueline & Martin Lederman
Claire & Gerald Manowitz
Caryn and Darren Marsh
Miri & David Mazor
Rita Carole Messner
Marjorie & Maurice D. Plough, Jr.
Suzanne & Samuel Pollack
Ellen & Robert Pomerantz
Stuart Rader
(in loving memory of
Gayle Coleman Rader)
Elise & Derek Repath
Eris & Ken Sandler
Barbara Schwartz
Roberta Schoenbrun
Deni & Ronald Simon
Sandra & Charles Simon
Amy & Barry Sylvetsky
Marilyn Simon Weinberg & Jay Weinberg
Lisa Sirota-Weiner & Douglas Weiner
Wendy & Steven Walin
Haley & Adam Walker
Helene & Stephen Weicholz
Kimberly & Todd Weicholz
Dona Weinraub
Rita & Stan Weinstein
Bernice & Edward Wenger
Recommitted Godparents
- Martha & Melvin Aronson
Rosalyn August
Cathy & Marc Backal
Heidi Baumann
Barbara Baumstein
Abbe & Steven Becker
Linda & Jon Beermann
Sherry & Michael Bell
Nancy & Frank Benson
Barbara Berger
Alexandra and James Bergman
Rhoda Sue & Henri Bertuch
Rosalyn & Ron Binday
Angela & Louis Birdman
Robin & Kenneth Bresky
Karen & Randy Burks
Marcie & Mark Butters
Ruth Citrin
Marcia & Philip Cohen
Susan & Bruce Cohen
Natalie & Edward Coleman
Deborah & Michael Coslov
Debbie and John Daum
Annie & Abraham David
Fern & Alvin Davis
Minerva & David Davis
Beth & Marty Deitchman
Jenny & Kevin Diemar
Jennifer & Kevin Faith
Fran & Alan Foont
Marion & Jordan Fox
Vicki & Gary Freed
Elaine & Harold Friedland
Jill & Yori Galel
Marla & David Garfinkle
Sharon & Mark Gilbert
Stephanie & Larry Gilderman
Nancy & Richard Gitlin
Marion & Ken Golen
Sylvia G. Gordon
Phyllis & Leonard Grand
Melissa & Mario Grosfeld
Ida & Irwin Haber
Sandra & Leonard Haiken
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
Cindy Niad Hannah & Steve Mutchnick
Minette & Fred Herman
Gilda & Mitchell Howell
Barbara & Scot Hunter
Louise Jacowitz Allen
Sylvia Kahana & Arie A. Taykan
Kimberly & Leslie Kaminoff
Alyne & Abbey Kaplan
Carol & Ed Kaplan
Linda F. Kaplan
Nancy & Jerry Kaufman
Diana & Steve Kauppinen
Cheryl & Steve Kessner
Julie & David Kirschner
Jean Knobel
Jacqueline Kohn
Glenda & Ronald Krongold
Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation
Marsha & Henry Laufer
Beth & Scott Lazar
Jacqueline & Martin Lederman
Marsha & Alan Levy
Gayle & Charles Lichtman
Corinne & Michael London
Karyn Lutz
Fern Lentini Manne & Stan Manne
Betsy & Mike Masarek
Susan & William Matz
Rhona Maulano
Nancy & Steve Mendelow
Carol & Paul Miller
Marci & Isador Mitzner
Tamara & Richard Morgenstern
Lauren & Jeff Morris
Sandi & Robert Morris
June & Monte Nathanson
Deborah & Eric Nemiroff
Jill & Ron Olster
Andrea & James Orleans
Sandi & Max Paul
Edith Peiser
Lucianna & Jared Perlin
Julie Peyton
Ethel Pinkwasser
Donna & Willard Poires
Myra & Neil Pompian
Marilyn & Neil Ramo
Marcia and Steven Rayman
Barbara & Jules Reich
Brenda & Larry Robinson
Sally Rogen
Marcelle & Andrew Rosen
Michelle & Bruce Ross
Marjorie Rudolph
Beth Salter & John Harris
Rochelle Sampson
Victoria Sanchez & Pablo Laham
Lisa & Alex Sandel
Bonnie & Jamie Schaefer
Rachel & Andrew Schwartz
Liza & Michael Schwarzberg
Olivia & Gerald Shapiro
Cindy White Shuffain
Michelle & Michael Simon
Fay & Samuel Singer
Joanne & David Singer
Renee Singer
Annette Smith
Sandi & Leonard Solomon
Bonnie & Martin Spector
Elissa Spiro
Carole & William Stamps
Irene & Barry Stark
Linda Stewart
Jayne Suskin
Robyn Tauber
Gloria & Rolf Tragbar
Jackie & Joseph Trobman
Linda & Denis Trupkin
Melanie & Ronald vanderValk
Darlene & Steven Wagner
Carol & Harlan Waksal
Carla & Bruce Weiner
Jill & Jonathan Weiner
Liz & Irwin Weiser
Marla Schaefer Weishoff & Steven Weishoff
Regina & Robert Weissler
Cheryl Willner
Susan & Robert Wisan
Carol & Stephen Winig
Cindy & Martin Zackowitz
Flora & Michael Zadoff
Arlene & Fred Zilker
Craig Zinn Automotive Group
Elsa & Peter Zoberg
JAFCO Godparents
- Marcy Aarons
Irene Abel
Diane B. Abelson & Stephen A. Hurwitz - Judith & Howard Aberman
Sandra & Alan Abeshaus
Robyn & Marc Abrams
Linda & Gene Alexander
Deanna & Robert Adler
Rochelle & Arthur Adler
Marjorie & Ira Albert
Ilene Alter
Leslie Alter
Karen & Lawrence Altschul
Merrie & Eli Anker
Laura Amato & Patrick Wayman
Martine & Gabi Amiel
Barbara & Dennis Amoils
Jeanette & Alan Antokal
Jackie & Tedd Arboleda
Linda Arkin
Lori & Michael Aronsky - Jessica & Howard Aronson
Linda Aronson
Ilana & Yaakov Artzy
Melissa Asarch
Carol Auerbach & Albert Berger
Susan & Mark Auerbach
Terry & Allen Auerbach
Noni & Alan Aufzien
Meryl Auman
Cookie & Zion Avissar
Phyllis & Jack Axelrod
Cheryl & David Bacharach
Debra & Dov Bacharach
Cathy & Marc Backal
Shaindy Backer
Iris & Mookie Bahiri
Linda R. Balch
Evelyn Ballin
Shelley & Robert Banks
Amy Joy Barker
Gloria & Herb Barker
Dr. Heather & Dr. Jodie Barkin
Anita & William Baron
Marilyn & Stanley Barry
Toby Bartosh
Joanne & Bernard Bass
Lara & Leon Batkilin
Cathy & Roger Bauer
Millicent & Benjamin Bauer
Bertha & Larry Baum
Lori & Daniel Baumgard
Barbara Baumstein
Joan & Milton Baxt
Laurie & Edward Bean
Abbe & Steven Becker
Caryn & Michael Bedzow
Linda & John Beermann
Lynn & Eric Behr
Donna & Richard Bell
Rana & Jordan Bell
Leigh & Avi Benayoun
Shana & Dan Benchetrit
Rhoda & Michael Bender
Rabbi Danielle Benshimon & Dr. Marc Cohen
Cristina & Shlomi Ben-Shmuel
Jennifer & Lior Ben-Shmuel
Lindsay & Jonathan Bensimon
Kerri & Stuart Benson
Nancy & Franklin Benson
Connie & Donald Berg
Alexandra & James Bergman
Chloe Bergman
Jack Bergman
Jaclyn & Adam Bergman
Melissa and Jeffrey Bergson
Doris Berkell
Lilyan Berkowitz
Beverly & Philip Berman
Ilene & Larry Berman
Melinda & Michael Berman
Dr. Beth Familant Bernick & Dr. Brian Bernick
Samantha & Dylan Berns
Barbara & Barry Bernsen
Gail Bernstein
Kenneth R. Bernstein
Marcey & Fred Bernstein
Pam Bernstein
Rhoda Sue & Henri Bertuch
Jane & Edward Best
Stephanie & Frank Bielenberg
Cathy & Kenneth Bierman
Rosalyn & Ron Binday
Ricki & Mitchell Birner
Leslie & William Bishop
Lisa Goldberg & Stanford Blake
Connie Blank
Olga & Alex Blavatnik
Staci & Alan Bluestein
Joyce Bloch
Heather & Samantha Block
Susan & Jerry Block
Suzanne & Stephen Block
Ms. Lynn Blueweiss
Elise & Peter Blumenthal
Ellyn & Steven Bogdanoff
Jessica & Sean Bogdany
Sylvia Boklan
Karen & Paul Bonheim
Lucy & Joe Borg
Adele & Sam Borger
Bruce Borger
Karen Borger
Jeffrey Bovarnick
Arlen Cabriela Boza-Bestard & Jose Bestard
Renee and Richard Brandt
Leslie & Dr. Ira Brasloff
Dr. Michael Braun
Ruth & Lou Brause
Charlene Brazner
Patricia & Noah Breakstone
Susan & Leo Breitman
William Brennan
Margo Brilliant Schwartz & Robert Schwartz
Nicole & Richard Brilliant
Eva & Gerard Brisman
Leah Brochstein
Brieanne & Harris Brodie
Elizabeth & Steve Brodie
Penninah Brodie - Shelly & Steve Brodie
Andrea & Ken Brodlieb
Vicki Bronfman
Judith Bronsteen & Orrin Neiburger
Bonnie & Norman Brooks
Harriette & Steven Brotman
Ellen & Donald Brounstein
Nancy & Martin Brounstein
Nancy & Peter Brown
Nori & Martin Brown
Judith Bukaitz
Karen & Randy Burks
Renee & Douglas Burns
Jane & Bruce Burwick in memory of Lance Burwick
Phyllis & Sam Butters
Skylar Butters
Carole & Walter Cameron
Randy & James Caplan
Brenda & Kenneth Carmel
Janice Cartin
Debbie & Alan Casnoff
Nicole & Scott Chaness
Dalia & Sholomo Chelminsky
Sheila & Jerry Chermak
Carole & Alan Chase
Lyn & Barry Chasen
Gila & Allen Chelminsky
Carolyn & Milt Ciplet
Ruth & Alan Citrin
Dara & David Clarke
Edith & Melvin Clayman
Rosalie & Lawrence Clofine
Jenni & Joshua Coba
Amelia & Andrew Cohen
Barbara & David Cohen
Becky & Louis Cohen
Carolyn Cohen & Alan Dershowitz
David Cohen
Diana & Erik Cohen
Elayne & Alan Cohen
Elizabeth & Pascal Cohen
Gail & Bradley Cohen
Gail & Richard Cohen
Hara & Michael Cohen
Dr. Ilene and Moises Cohen
Lucille & Herbert Cohen
Michelle & Seth Cohen
Mindy Cohen (in memory of Gary Cohen)
Myra & Barry Cohen
Norelis & Isaac Cohen
Phyllis & Marc Cohen
Ruthi & Ben Cohen
Sandra & Brad Cohen
Shari & Jeffrey Cohen
Stacy & Malcolm Cohen
Carla Cohn
Alexandra Coleman
Jill & Ira Coleman
Zack Coleman
Lisa and James Colen
Jean Colker
Toni Collis
Steve Collis
Lou Anne & Michael Colodny
Etti & Alexander Cortese
Ellen Silverman Cotler & Michael Cotler - Michele & Michael Colton
Paulette & James Comparato
Eileen & Robert Cooper
Julie & Richard Coppersmith
Gail & Stuart Corenblum
Maria, Ernesto & Mercedes Corredor
Jo Ellen & Alix Lauren Cozen
Marlene Cross
Rona Cutler
Rachel & Greg Danzig
Sheila & Bill Danzig
Debbie & John Daum
Annie & Abraham David
Evalyn David
Norma & Mark David
Shelley Davimos
Fran & Sal Davino
Fern & Alvin Davis
Jane Davis
Minerva & David Davis
Susan & Ozzie De Faria
Kathy & Kenneth Deckler
Jane & Edward Decter
Mary DeFrancisco & Glenn Mattes
Beth & Marty Deitchman
Emily & Steven Demar
Ann & Arie Deshe
Neomi & Michael Dezertov
Jenny & Kevin Diemar
Tracey & Ed Dikes
Donna Ditchik
Judy & Daniel Dobin
Jillian Dohler & Daniel Saull
Farra D’Orazio
Jessica & Elliot Dornbusch
Dreama Foundation
Chris & David Drobes
Robin & Paul Drucker
Ruth & Bernard Drucker
Terry & Melvin Drucker
Dubin Family Philanthropic Fund/Roslyn Silverman
Nina & Michael Dubroff
Wendy & Stanley Dworkin
Felise Eber
Jill Eber - Ilene & Gary Eder
Joan & Jay Eichel
Lamiel & Benjamin El Koubi
Sherry & Steve Einhorn
Diane & Edward Eisenberg
Janet & Donald Eisenstein
Karen & Harvey Elgart
Lindsay & Henry Ellenbogen
Anne Ellman
Caryn & Lance Ellman
Susan & Charles Emby
Charlotte & Michael Engleman
Janet and Richard Epstein
Jeanne & Martin Epstein
Patricia & Marc Epstein
Ross Epstein
Amy & Steven Erlbaum
Vicki & Gary Erlbaum
Joyce & Harold Escott
Esther & Roy Esh
Marilyn Estreicher
Hen & Shlomi Ezra
Anna Ezratti
Janet & Robert Fabricant
Judi & Steven Fader
Jenn & Peter Fain
Lauren & Roland Faith
Marcy & Art Falcone
Arlene & Gary Falkin
Cammy Farber
Griselle & Gary Farbish
Fran & Jeremy Farkas - Rhonda & Nelson Faro
Audrey & Gary Fass
Susan & Joel Fass
Joy Fedelim
Steven Feder & Louis Trosclar
Jaine & Jeff Feibelman
Minerva & Barry Feinberg
Cheryl & Barry Feingold
Julie & Paul Feingold
Rina & Eric Feld
Bobbi & Gary Feldman
Eileen & Martin Feldman
Eileen & Warren Feldman
Marilyn & Jeffrey Feldman
Princess Feldman
Randi & Michael Feldstein
Capt. Stephen Felsen & Dr. Gabriel Felsen
Anna & Harvey Felsher
Kim & Sean Fetterman
Kim & Steve Fields
Harriet Fine
Jackie & Marc Fine
Janet & Lawrence Fine
Karen Fine
Adrienne Ruby-Fink & Hershel Fink
Linda & Jay Finkelstein
Phyllis & Gary Finkelstein
Susan & Richard Finkelstein
Rochelle & Robert Finvarb
Linda & Leon Finver
Jane & Vincent Firth
Stevie Fischer
Eileen Fisher
Susan & Norman Fixel
Marge Flanz Estate
Joan and Larry Fleischman
Janet & Jeffrey Fogelson
Phyllis & Eli Footer
Francee Ford
Randy Forman
Ellen & John Fox-Snider
Kara & Evan Franco
Allie & Adam Frank
Beth & Marvin Frank
Leah & Edward Frankel
Abby & Alan Freedman
Gertrude & Israel Freedman
Lanee & Lee Friedel
Gail & Dr. Stanley Friedler
Alice Newman Friedman and Mark Friedman
Arlene & Hank Friedman
Carolynn & Michael Friedman
Holly & Daniel Friedman
Kara & Darren Friedman
Madeline Friedman
Pearl & Donald Friedman
Anne & Lawrence Frisman
Alexis & Tom Fritz
Nomee Furman
Yudith & Juan Furman
Robin & Brian Gale
Karen & Todd Galinko
Wendy & Zigmund Galit
Meryl & Ron Gallatin
Dale & Roger Gandall
Renee & Stephen Gans
Donna & Stuart Ganslaw
Jill & Ira Gansler
Marla & Steve Garchik
Terri & Benjamin Garfinkle
Eileen & Harold Garlick
Patricia & Brian Garson
Deborah & Lawrence Gaslow
Joan & Lewis Gedansky
Beth & David Geduld
Steven & Lauren Geduld Family Foundation
Linda & Ivan Gefen
Mr. Clifford Gelfand
Barbara & Sidney Geller
Alina Gerlovin Spaulding
Charlotte Gershaw
Nancy & Dennis Gershenson
David Gerson
Melissa & Joshua Gerstin
Seth Gerstin & Lainie Tantleff
Robbie & Ron Gimpel
Magda & Malcolm Ginnis
Nancy & Richard Gitlin
Wendy & Ronald Glantz - Barbara & Harold Glasband
Barbara & Barry Glaser
Susan & Charles Glaser
Lisa Glassner
Shelly & Marc Glazer
Shirley & Joseph Gleich
Debby & Barry Glick
Brenda & Joel Glickman
Jodie & Stuart Glickman
Phyllis Glukstad
Ira Gober
Inez & Dr. Shane Gober
Bonnie & David Gold
Mallory Gold
Shelley & Jeffrey Gold
Sidney Gold
Tiffany & Stewart Gold
Annette Goldberg
Cheryl & Robert Goldberg
Leslie Goldberg
Rosalie & Harvey Goldberg
Nadine & Bruce Goldenberg
Ronit & Michael Goldenberg
Evie Goldfine
Judy & Ben Goldman
Linda & Neal Goldman
Mindy & David Goldman
Stephanie & Evan Goldman
Madelyn & Robert Goldner
Sasha & Jason Goldsmith
Barbara & Robert Goldstein
Donna Goldstein
Hillary & Jeffrey Goldstein - Rivka & Bruce Goldstein
Gale Goldstein Tucker
Marion & Ken Golen
Elise Goodfriend
Betty & Andrew Goodman
Dorothy & Jim Goodman
Barbara & David Gordon
Helayne Gordon
Lenore & Stanley Gordon
Lindsey & Steven Gordon
Lorraine Gordon
Ilana & Fabrizio Gorenstein
Caren & Lon Gorman
Marlene & Michael Goss
Mindy & Leo Gotleib
Helene & Robert Gottlieb
Lori & Greg Gottsegen
Amy & Wayne Gould
Corrine & Richard Gould
Jennifer & Barry Gould
Marion & Bob Grauer
Amy & William Green
Bonnie & Ken Green
Marlene & Barry Green
Marilyn Greenber
Donna & Louis Greenberg
Marjorie & Elliot Greenberg
Robert Greenberg
Roberta & Arnold Greenberg
Sheryl & Lawrence Greenberg
Wendy Greenberg
Leslie Greene
Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum
Beth & Jack Greenman
Bonnie Gregge
Nicole & Larry Groll
Melissa & Mario Grosfeld
Beth & Alan Gross
Brooke Gross
Valerie & Geoffrey Gross
Dr. Kristine Gross
Linda & Irwin Gross
Susan & Artie Grossbard
Debbie & Alan Grossman
Lauren & David Grossman
Erica & Mark Groussman
Stephanie & Philip Growick
Sheila & Richard Gruber
Sylvia & Maurice Gruber
Andrea & Bruce Grundt - Sheryl Grutman
Meryl and John Guerrero
Sharon & Joel Gumpel
Terri Gutterman
Sandra & Leonard Haiken
Kathy & Daniel Haime
Ino Halegua
Marla & Steve Halegua
Cheryl & Ronald Halpern
Rivkah & Eric Halpern
Brenda & Robert Hamby
Marzena & Josh Hamby
Cindy Niad Hannah & Steve Mutchnick
Fanny Hanono
Judith Kotick Hans
Ellyn & Mark Harmon
Ann & Dr. Robert Harris
Ruth & Lawrence Harrison
Alyce & Erwin Hartman
Paula & Jeff Hartman
Lori & Keith Hartman (in memory of Brett Jason Hartman)
Debra & Mitch Harvey
Lisa & Bruce Harwood
Cathy & Steven Haubenstock - Rabbis Moriah & Shawn Simon Hazani
Laura & Michael Hebel
Jordana Herschthal Heber & Nathan Heber
Eric Hecht
Flora & Jerome Heilweil
Austine & Gary Heldman
Lisa & Scott Henry
Barbara & Neal Henschel
Jeff Herman
Rachel & David Herman
Dorothy S. Hernandez
Suzie & Joshua Herrendorf
Becky & Laurence Herrup
Maty & David Herschthal
Ilene & Steven Hersh
Merle Born & Gregory Hersh
Linda & Lee Hertz
Lisa & Gary Hertzberg
Susan & Jeffrey Herzfeld
Jeri & Howard Hessan
Pam Higer-Polani
Lois Hildebrandt
Ellen & Stuart Hirsch
Helene & T. Donald Hirschfeld
Leona Hirschkorn & Marvin Silverman
Fred Hirt & Joan Fletcher
Cheryl & Neal Hochberg
Bernard Hoffman
Hope & Gary Hoffman
Joanna & Sebastien Hoffmann
Judy & Ben Hofheimer
Faye Holand
Darcy & Jeff Hollander
Marissa Hollander
The Family of Stephanie Hollander
Bettina & Jerome Hollo
Helene & Robert Hordes
Charlotte Horowitz
Iris & Steven Horowitz
Dr. Judith Horowitz
Gilda & Mitchell Howell
Jeff Hunter Charitable Trust
Patricia Isenberg
Tami & Perry Isenberg - Arlene & Robert Ismach
Gail & Joseph Jabes
Celia Jacobs
Jane & Douglas Jacobs
Marilyn & Samuel Jacobs
Anne & Norman Jacobson
Jessica & Harvey Jacobson
Marilyn & Irwin Jacobson
Peggy & Allyn Jacobson
Suzanne Jacobson
Amanda & Joseph Jaffe
Ingrid & Robert Jaffe
Marianne & Richard Jaffe
Helen Jaffee
Lola & Fred Jalazo
David Jay
Julie & Barry Jaye
Betsy & Vinne Joseph
Elaine & Robert Joseph
Eileen & Stewart Kahn
Mona Kahn
Randi & Alan Kahn
Loren & David Kaiserman
Lois Kaliner
Sharon & Paul Kaliner
Eileen & Harvey Kamil
Tania & Justin Kaminoff
Jody Kaminsky
Marian Kane
Eileen & Joel Kanefsky
Carole & Mel Kantor
Alyne & Abbey Kaplan
Carol & Edward Kaplan
Cathy & Geoffrey Karp
Hilary & Steven Kates
Ann Katz Offit & Saul Offit
Bunnie & Arnie Katz
Elaine & Harmon Katz
Jolie Rose Katz
Nicole & Bernard Katz
Peggy & Richard Katz
Roberta & Steven Katz
Sue & Randy Katz
Susan & Robert Katz
Judith & Barry Katzen
Nancy & Fred Katzin
Cindy & Lenny Kaufman
Dana & Michael Kaufman
Gloria & Alan Kaufman
Joan & Myron Kaufman
Monica & David Kauffman
Jennifer & Matthew Kay
Paula Kazerman - Trish & Tom Kennedy
Marci & David Kessler
Cheryl & Steve Kessner
Renee Kiejdan in memory of Molly Kiejdan
Harriet & Rick Kimball
Debbie Kimmel & Ian Nestler
Anita & Elliot King
Wendy & Jonathan Kingsley
Ellyn & Jeffrey Kleinberg
Fern & Robert Klein
Joan & Lawrence Kleinman
Larissa & Kenny Kline
Sue & Jerry Kline
Sisel Klurman
Jean Knobel
Susan Kobitz
Bonnie & Stuart Koenig
Fran & Larry Kohn
Sheri & Jeffrey Kolodny
Rookie & Stan Komitor
Faye & Bruce Koniver
Myrna & Robert Kopf
Leah & Eliott Koskas
Helene & Marc Kovens
Eileen & Donald Kramer
Kandy & Jeff Kramer
Mary Krasman
Stephanie & Howard Krass
Linda & Gary Krat
Eliane & Lando Kravetz
Charles & Esther Krieger Charitable Fund
Cheryl & Alan Kristal
Allyson & Burt Kroner
Karen & Gene Kroner
Amelia & Richard Kronrad
Carol & Eugene Krusch
Gail & Kerry Kuhn
Barbara & Alfred Kurtz - Cathy & David Kushner
Stefanie & Bill Kushner
Judith & Harold Kutner
Stacey & Barry Labell
Eliza Laganas
Elinore Lambert & Jerome Kelter
Elaine Lai
Eileen & Bruce Lamchick
Carole & William Landa
Whitney & Matthew Lane
Alyson Langley
Marcia & Jeffrey Langley
Mildred Langsam & Barnet Wallitzer
Michele & Stewart Lapayowker
Jill & Howard Lapensohn
Jo Ann & Roni Laskin
Paige Lawrence
Jordyn Lazar, Ava Rechter, Madison Rechter & Jake Lazar
Marilyn Lazar
Shana Lazar
Vivian Lazoff
Adele & Herman Lebersfeld
Elisa Lebovich
Beth Lebovitz
Lisa Leder
Sonya Lederer
Jacqueline & Martin Lederman
Carol Leeds
Rita Soffer Leeds
Patricia Leffler & Bart Sklansky
Arlene Lefkovitz & Nina Mann
Ms. Michelle Lehrer
Patricia & Daniel Lehrhoff
Judy & Michael Leibowitz
Debbie Rae Leifer
Jerry Brand Leifer
Nancy & Alan Leiken
Geri & Roy Leimer
Patti & Richard Leiner
Bets & EJ Leizerman
Elizabeth Lender & Ken Fisher
Fern Lentini Manne & Stan Manne
Bonita & Lewis Lepene
Marlene & Jeffrey Lerer
Fern & Mac Lerner
Lauren & Brian Lerner
Monica & Joshua Leslie
Margot & Lawrence Lessans
Stephanie & James Letchinger
Ellyn & George Levie
Danielle Levin
Matthew Levin
Nauma Levin
Rhonda & Howard Levin
Andrea Levine
Bobbi Levine & Paul Brenner
Jo & Al Levine
Lisa & Richard Levine
Judy Levis Markhoff
Deborah & Henri Levit
Diany and Aaron Levy
Holly & Jordan Levy
Janet & Gary Levy
Marsha & Alan Levy
Sandra & Sid Levy
Susan Levy
Vicky & Alan Levy - Barbara & Gerry Lewin
Carol & Ira Licht
Mildred Lidov
Arlene & Floyd Lieberman
Jessica & Jorge Linkewer
Galit & Eli Lipnik
Marcy & Steven Lippman
Lisa & Alan Lips
Joann & Frederick Lipsky
Delsie Lipton & Arthur Weinstock
Felice Lipton
Rochelle & Harold Lipton
Ellen & Dr. Peter Livingston
Laurie & Oliver Lloyd
Mindy & Michael Lorenz
Diane & Stephen Lovell
Monique and David Low
Pamela & Joseph Lubeck
Arline & Marvin Lubin
Estelle Lubliner
Judy & Leonard Lundy
Lina & Michael Lustigman
Susan & Barry Lyman
Barbara & Richard MacKenzie
Robin & Bradford Magaro
Madeline & Bill Maglio
Sheila Mains
Candice & Donald Malkin
Brenda & Richard Mandel
Ilona & Matthew Mandel
Marilyn & Marvin Mandel
Sandra & Arthur Mandell
The Mandell Family Foundation
Natalia & Leonard Mandor
Joy & Jon Mann
Sharon Manne
Lisa Marco
Ronnie & Buzz Marcus
Amy & Scott Margolis
Cynthia & George Marks
Gail & Steven Marlow
Lisa & Gordon Marrin
Carli Marsh
Caryn & Darren Marsh
Nikki Marsh
Nicole & Harry Martin
Rhona Maulano
Wendy & Jeff Maurer
Mandy & Justin Mauskopf
Margaret & Arnold Mazel
Lee Mazor
Lisa Mazure & Eric Goodison
Oliver Cale & Douglas Meade
Marla & Michael Melamud
Debbi & Steve Melzer
Lynn & Dr. Martin Mendelssohn
Michelle Merson
Susan & James Meyer
Pam & Charles Meyers
Janet & Larry Milder
Charlotte & Eugene Milgram
Carol & Paul Miller
Cindy Miller
Laura & Evan Miller
Elayne & Sam Millman
Madeline & Arthur Millman
Judy & Monroe Milstein
Alan Mishael
Sharyn & Bert Model
Toni & Russell Montague
Melissa & Kenneth Morris
Marsha & Mark Morrow
Gayle Moskowitz and Ed Koenig
Florence Moss
Marge & Ken Moss
Alicia & Russell Munves
Ethel & Andy Muskat - Dr. Lisa & Howard Nadel
Julie & Matthew Nagorsky
Susan & Joe Nehmen
Janie & Michael Neider
Avis & Abraham Neiman
Fredda & Richard Neimark
Ariella and Sholom Neistein
Victoria & Brian Nelson
Helene & Robert Newman
Pat & Sanvil Newman
Shana & Andy Nogues
Jackie & Richard North
Lori & Michael Novick
Arlene Nudel
Ruth & Bernard Nussdorf
Michelle and Samuel Ohev-Zion
Brooke & Paul Oldt
Kerri & Scott Olinick
Marjorie & Stuart Oliver
Myra Olshanky
Orit & Victor Olshanksy
Jill & Ron Olster
Merle & Michael Orlove
Nancy & David Ortiz - Cara Osborn
Amanda & Scott Osher
Stephanie & Jeff Oshinsky
Lois & Daniel Osman
Stephanie Owitz
Barbara & Jeffrey Reich
Judy & Benjamin Pace
Ashley & Eric Pacheco
Julie & Mark Paresky
Lori & Robert Pasahow
Carmela & Michael Paul
Helene & Rick Paul
Judith & Kenneth Paul
Mona Pearl
Carol Penn
Ruth & Arnold Peskin
Marsha & Jack Petcove
Terry & Paul Peykar
Barbara & Robert Pick
Ethel & Alan Pinkwasser
Patricia Plichta
Susan Podgur
Aida Politano
Debbie & Michael Pollack - Ms. Sharon Pollack
Geri & Seth Pomerantz
Sheryl Rentz & George Pomerantz
Lisi & Jason Port
Susan & Jeffrey Postal
Norlyn & Ed Poto
Eleanor Powers & Alvin Kolchins
Dale & David Pratt
Roslyn & Michael Prevor
Helene & Lawrence Price
JoAnne & Phillip Procacci
Lisa & Alex Punsalan
Amy & Kevin Rader
Meryl & Andrew Rader
Iris Raderman
Carisa & Justin Rafael
Natasha Ragoonanan
Susan & Eric Rahn
Rita & Herbert Raiffe
Mollie & Louis Rambler
Michelle & Michael Ramer
Carol Randman
Ellen & Herbert Rasnick
Julie & Dennis Ratner
Marcia & Steven Rayman - Elaine & Mel Raznick
- Nicole & Michael Rechter
Ann & Eric Reed
Carmen & Sanford Reinhard
Vikki & Mitchell Reinitz
Kathy & Harvey Reiser
Karen & Richard Reisin
Bobbi & Robert Reitzes
Sivan Golan Reizer & Eran Reizer
Marcy & Barry Resnik
Barbara Rich
Senator Nan & David Rich
Edward Richard
Karen & Gregory Ritter
Suzanne Rivkin
Beth & Irwin Robbins
Dena Robbins
Elaine & Bernard Roberts
Charlotte & Morris Robinson
Beth & Steve Rockoff
Betsy & Gene Rockower
Malka & Rotem Rodrig
Sally Rogen
Sandy & David Rogol
Brigitt Rok
Karen & Martin Romm
Celeste & Burt Rose
Jodie & Matthew Roseberg
Judith Roseberg
Ana Maria & Jeffrey Rosen
Muriel & Arnold Rosen
Roni & Don Rosen
Susan & Arthur Rosen
Alison & Abraham Rosenberg
Barbara & Jeffrey Rosenberg
Caroline & Todd Rosenberg
Jamie & David Rosenberg
Judy & Ira Rosenberg
Ronni Roth
Marlene Rosenberg and Jay Seifman
Sunny & Abe Rosenberg Foundation
Allison & Jason Rosenfeld
Irene & Daniel Rosenfeld
Phyllis Rosenstock
Julia & Adam Rosenzweig
Charlotte Rosoff & Arnold Haskel
Amy & David Ross
Barbara & Donald Rosuck
Lauren and Yoav Roth
Lyon Roth & Israela Roth
Roberta Roth - Dr. Laurie Rothman
Shari & Jeff Rothenberg
Barbara Rothman
Frani & Al Rothman
Wendy & Harvey Rothstein
Wendy Rowinksy
Risa & Ronald Rubin
Robin & Gary Rubin
Rose Rubin
Ruthanne Rubin
Susan & Mark Rubin
Helen Rubinstein
Leslie Rudes
Gerri & Art Rudner
Marjorie & Allan Rudolph
Irene & Robert Russel
Cheryl & Samuel Russo
Judith Ruttenberg
Lauren and Mark Sabbota
Roberta & Fred Sachs
Becky Saka
Beth & Thomas Salamone
Alexandra Haime-Salanic & David Salanic
Samantha & Joshua Saltz
Linda & Michael Salzberg
Liz & Andrew Samrick
Sherri Samuels
Victoria Sanchez & Pablo Laham
Lisa & Alex Sandel
Phyllis & Harvey Sandler
Leslie & Franklin Sands
Lynn Joy & Meyer Sapoff
Alyssa & Isaac Sapoznik
Rachel Sapoznik
Cyma & Edward Satell
Mary Ann & Alan Saul
Jan Savarick
Rishona & Scott Savin
Lori & Bill Schacter
Marla Schaefer Weishoff & Steven Weishoff
Joy & Gordon Schafer
Terry Schantz
Fannie & Benjamin Schatz
Drs. Rose & Alan Schecter
Linda & William Schecter
Amanda Malone & Bill Scheinfeld
Doris & Ralph Schelin
Suzanne & Bertram Schild
Hollis & Edward Schlam
Flora Schnall
Kerstin & Neil Schneider
Lauren & Jeremy Schneider
Susan & Gregg Schneider
Susan & Robert Schneider
Mindy & Michael Schorr
Dana & Josh Schrager
Sheryl Schreiber
Donna & Arthur Schreier
Francine & John Schultz
Suzette Schultz
Terry & Michael Schuster
Barbara & Samuel Schwartz
Carla & Stephen Schwartz
Elaine & Jay Schwartz
Felicia Beth & Richard Philip Schwartz
Fran & Mel Schwartz
Iris & Jeffrey Schwartz
Marla & Leo Schwartz - Robert & Elena Schwartz
Virginia Schwartz
Carol & Marvin Schwartzbard
Debra & Gil Schwartzberg
Stephanie & Matthew Scupp
Joanna & Scott Segal
Jill & Neil Senzer
Helene & Edmund Shamsi
Madelane Shane
In memory & honor of Neil Michael Shane
Marjorie Shapiro
Olivia & Gerald Shapiro
Pat & Bob Shapiro
Randy & Nathan Shapiro
Leslie & Brian Sharpe
Geniene & Robert Shelley
Lori & Al Shemtob
Alan Sherman
Sheryl Frost Sherman
Marisa Sherry & Neil Katz
Suzanne Shneider
Emily & Philip Shore
Jun and Edward Shore
Marilyn & Marvin Shreiar
Samantha & Ryan Shrouder
Norman Shulevitz Foundation
Lindsay & Dan Siegel
Shirley Siegel
Ms. Randi Silberman
Arlene & Gil Silbiger
Joann & Bruce Silk
Sherry & Robert Silk
Deborah & Larry Silver
Farryl & Josh Silver
Marlene & Martin Silver
Susan & Gerald Silver
Sandy & David Silverman
Elissa & Bruce Simberg
Carol & Jeff Simon
Deb & Martin Simon
Glenda & Walter Simon
Sally Simon - Sandra Simon
Joanne Segal-Sims & Edward Sims
Beverly Singer
Jacob Singer
Joanne & David Singer
Judith & Ira Singer
Marilyn Shore Singer
Mishelle & Keith Singer
Nancy & Stanley Singer
Rose & Stuart Singer
Bonnie & Allen Sirkin
Carol & Milt Sirota
Myrna & Sam Skurnick
Mason Slaine
Francine & Fred Sloan
Gail & Reed Slogoff
Dorothy & Morris Small
Marilyn Reis Small & Jack Small
Susan & Stevan Smallow
Lorraine & Allan Smargon
Barry Smith
Debbie & Marc Smith
Robin & Andrew Smith
Allison & Jerry Sokol
Sylvia & Harold Solinsky
Ethel & Dave Sommer
Heather & Neil Sosler
Diane & Herbert Sosman
Yaly & Franchesco Soto
Sara & Gadi Soued
Irene & Joel Spalter
Bonnie & Martin Spector
Jacqueline Spiro
Lauren Spitz
Jean Spencer & Mark Stern
Adrianne Spiegel & Howard Bloom
Simone & Sam Spiegel
Elissa Spiro
Bonnie Squires & Sami Ouhada
Carolina & Erwin Sredni
Heidi & Kevin Stander
Diana & David Stein
Loren & Eric Stein
Randi & Gary Stein
Toby & Dr. Mark Stein
Suzanne & Richard Steinbook
Beth & Raymond Sterling
Wendy & Ed Sternlieb
Noeleen & Stephen Stewart
Helen & Nathan Stofberg
Jennifer Stolberg
Samantha Stolberg
Vicki & Steven Stolberg
Susan & Daniel Stone
Ronda and Andy Stonick
Leslie & David Storch
Joyce & Edward Stravitz - Ms. Mimi Strek
Carol and Daniel Strickberger
Debra Strochak
Toby Strogatz & Stephen Klein
April & Daniel Stuzin
Katie & Harry Sugarman
Anne Sullivan
Jayne & Marvin Suskin
Carol & Stanley Sussman
Elaine & Martin Sussman
Ilana & Michael Sussman
Bonnie & Jim Swartz
Velia Sweet
Julie Sylvetsky
Lauren Sylvetsky
Sam & Este Sylvetsky
Daniela & Pablo Szprynger
Marcia & Lonnie Tabatchnick
Julie & Howard Talenfeld
Michele & Mark Taplinger
Arlene & Martin Tash
Janie & James Tate
Susan & Barry Tatelman
Robyn Tauber
Shelley and Joel Tauber
Ms. Michele Teitelbaum
Joan & Irwin Tepper
Tom & Gloria Treiber
Fabi Tavio & Donald Weidenfeld
Judith Taylor
Ilene Tessler & Geoffrey Weissbaum
Amy & Jack Tobin
Lori & Steven Toffler
Shari & Robert Topper
Fayette & Mel Toren
Melissa & Steve Trachtenberg
Gloria & Rolf Tragbar
Linda & Denis Trupkin
Elise & Ronny Udelson
Rochelle & Fred Umschweis
Jessica & Carlos Ushdi
Beverly Victor
Phyllis & Herbert Victor
Andrea & Leonard Volin
Phyllis & Arthur Wachtel
Sherrie Wagman
Carol & Harlan Waksal
Ana Maria & Andrew Waldman
Penny & Jim Walzer
Gloria Wank
Loree & Rodger Wasserman
Sharon Watson
Lynn R. Wegman
Scott Weicholz
Melissa Weidhorn
Doris & Ernest Weilheimer
Bonnie Weinberger
Barbara & Jeff Weiner
Lourdes & Jeffrey Weiner
Weingarden, Jellson, Kotlicky Family
Iris Weingarten
Pamela & Robert Weinroth
Barbara & Barry Weinstein
Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg
Carol & Stanley Weinstock
Jennifer & Eric Weinstock
Robin Weiser & Peter Bodnar
Helene & Steve Weissman
Shirley & Barton Weisman
Susan Weisman
Barbara & Pete Weiss
Steven Weiss
Susan & Jaime Weiss
Regina & Robert Weissler
Sheryl & Mark Weitman
Sharon & Stephen Wender
Susan & John Wendkos
Sylvia Wenger
Deanna & Lawrence Werrick - Marla Wexler
Jodi & Steve Wigginton
Cheryl Willner
Riki & Arthur Winston
Randi & David Winter
Nancy Wittenstein
Alix & Jorge Wolf
Bonnie Koreff Wolf
Vicki & Joel Wolff
Isabel Sarah Wolfson
Lily Wolfson
Barbara & Allan Wolk
Carol & Arnold Wolowitz
Susie Wool
Jill Wrubel
Michelle & Ronald Yellin
Annette Youngentob
Jane Yudell
Gail & Harry Zafran
Bari & Michael Zahalsky
Beverly Gordon Zalonis
Tracy & Marc Zand
Francine & David Zeitz
Ruth and Alan Zelcer
Randi Zemsky
Judith & Laurence Zieper
Barbara & Paul Zimmerman
Gary Zimmerman
Marilyn & David Zinn
Arlene & Gil Zitin
Maria Zittle
Elsa & Peter Zoberg
Barbara & Stephen Zohlman
Ula & Michael (MZ) Zusman
Roxie & Noel Zusmer
Susan & Arnold Zweig
Rebecca & Sergio Zyman