The Circle of Hope

Join the Circle of Hope
These critical funds will allow us to operate this vital center and provide respite care, child enrichment activities and therapy for the children, as well as support services including parent support groups, counseling, case management and referral, sibling workshops, parent training, and 24-hour crisis support to hundreds of families in the tri-county area who are raising a child with a developmental disability.
Members of the Circle of Hope receive a beautiful specially commissioned 14K gold pin featuring the branches of the JAFCO Tree of Life lovingly encircling a parent joyfully pushing her child on a swing. This group of special individuals make a ten year pledge of $1,800 per year.

The Circle of Hope for Life
Donors who pledge to donate $1,800 a year as long as they are able receive two candle holders specially commissioned exclusively for JAFCO by artist Yaacov Heller.
Recommitted Circle of Hope
Donors making a second pledge of a minimum of $18,000 payable in one payment or over the next ten years receive one candle holder specially commissioned exclusively for JAFCO by artist Yaacov Heller.
For more information about joining the Circle of Hope, contact JAFCO Philanthropy Director Janet Epstein at 954-315-8696 or [email protected].
Circle of Hope list current as of 06/2024.
To become a Circle of Hope member, please complete the form below and someone from our team will contact you directly to process your donation and to personally thank you.
"*" indicates required fields
Circle of Hope for Life Members
Susan & Mark Auerbach
Marsha Levy
Diane & Steven Shankman
Lisa Sirota-Weiner & Douglas Weiner
Recommitted Circle of Hope
Robyn & Marc Abrams
Judith & David Dines
Kim & Sean Fetterman
Suzi & Joshua Herrendorf
Elaine & Bernard Roberts
Circle of Hope Members
Rochelle & Arthur Adler
Judy & William Albert
Jeanette & Alan Antokal
Terry Masel-Auerbach
Jodi & Larry Bank
Melissa & Shawn Barnhardt
Patrice & Edward Barrocas
Phyllis Becker
Lauren Beiley & David Elkins
Dara & Alan Berger
Jessica & Drew Hopkins & Jordan Berger
Joan & Leslie Berman
Nanci & Stephen Beyer
Stephanie & Frank Bielenberg
Angela & Louis Birdman
Adele & Samuel Borger
Bruce Borger
Karen Borger
Carin & David Boris
Linda & Don Brodie
Vicki Bronfman
Carole & Walter Cameron
Siggy Flicker & Michael Campanella
Judy & Arthur Canter
Vivian Cardia
Debbie & Alan Casnoff
Barbara & David Cohen
Hara Borger Cohen and Michael Cohen
Myra & Barry Cohen
Wendy & Barry Cohn
Eileen & Robert Cooper
Jane Davis
Nancy & Stephen Dephoure
Karen & Mark Dern
Sherry & Steven Einhorn
Lauren Beiley & David Elkins
Jennifer & Kevin Faith
Marianne & Bennett Falk
Charles Feingersh
Ruby-Fink & Hershel Fink
Rebecca Fischer
Isanne & Sandy Fisher
Marian & Elliot Fisher
Joan & Larry Fleischman
Fred Hirt & Joan Fletcher
Sarah Franco
Karen Baer & Paul Frankel
Sandy & Larry Frankel
Elaine & Harold Friedland
Diane S. Friedman
Esther Frishman
Dr. Marvin & Roberta Galler
Marla & Steve Garchik
Joan & Lewis Gedansky
Andrea & Thomas Gero
Dorinne & Jeffrey Gerstin
Melissa & Joshua Gerstin
Laurie Gindi
Magda & Malcolm Ginnis
Rachel & David Greenberg
Sarah Glass Bush
Linda Glottmann
Mara & Mel Gober
Lori & Lewis Gold
Leslie Goldberg
Lisa Goldberg
Georganne Goldblum & Richard Edick
Sandra & Paul Goldner
Patricia & Dr. Charles Goldsmith
Joanne Moskin & Howard Goldsmith
Hillary & Jeffrey Goldstein
Dorothy & Jim Goodman
Jill Goodman
Helene & Robert Gottlieb
S. Robert & Rosalie Grass
Robin Green & Paul Edenbaum
Donna & Louis Greenberg
Maggie & Stewart Greenberg
Leslie Greene
Robin & Stephen Greene
Beth & Jack Greenman
Margie & Stephen Greenspan
Ellen & Gerald Greenspoon
Melissa Grosfeld
Kenneth Gross
Andrea & Bruce Grundt
Cynthia & Harold Guttman
Karen & David Haft
Sandra and Leonard Haiken
Ellen and Steven Haas
Cheryl Hassman
Cathy & Steven Haubenstock
Suzie & Joshua Herrendorf
Becky and Laurence Herrup
Maty & David Herschthal
Ursula & Leonard Hess
Dr. Pam Higer-Polani
Dr. Elaine K. Hollander
Lois Hollander & Steven Schlosser
Bernice & Paul Horwitz
Tami & Perry Isenberg
Patti & Michael Jacobs
Ruth & Allyn Jacobson
Joan & Arthur Jacowitz
Louise Jacowitz Allen
Amanda & Joseph Jaffe
Fran Jonas
Sylvia Kahana & Arie Taykan
Eileen & Stewart Kahn
Karolina Kanner
Carole & Mel Kantor
Harold Kaplan
Linda F. Kaplan
Dr. Linda Kaplan
Monica & Erik Kaplan
Susan & Peter Karger
Nancy & Fred Katzin
Heidi Alzate Kaufman & Jason Kaufman
Linda & Norman Kaufman
Ms. Susan Kobitz
Shelly Solomon Koffler
Amie & Steven Kohlhagen
Jacqueline Kohn
Dana & Craig Konhauzer
Kim & Mitchell Konsker
Steven & Charlene Konsker
Gail & Kerry Kuhn
Stefanie & Bill Kushner
Stacey & Barry Labell
Patricia & Randy Lahn
Myrna & Roger Landay
Marcia & Jeffrey Langley
Beth Lebovitz
Carol B. Leeds
Elizabeth Lender and Kenneth Fisher
Fern & Mac Lerner
Nauma Levin
Rhonda & Howard Levin
Andrea Levine
Joshua Levine Memorial Foundation
Marsha & Alan Levy
Dr. Gary & Amy Lieberman
Mildred Lidov in memory of Howard I. Lidov
Delsie Lipton & Arthur Weinstock
Heleen Loew
Ollie & Jonathan Louis
Kathy Lowenthal
Susan & Barry Lyman
Sandra & Arthur Mandell
Sharon Margulis
Caryn & Darren Marsh
Mandy & Justin Mauskopf
Lynn & Dr. Martin Mendelssohn
Rita Carole Messner
Lesley Miller
Laurie & Steven Miller
Sharyn & Bert Model
Sandi & Robert Morris
Joanne Moskin & Howard Goldsmith
Ricki Moskow
Gayle Moskowitz & Edward Koenig
Avis Lee & Abraham Neiman
Michelle & Samuel Ohev-Zion
Andrea & James Orleans
Susan Pashkow
Amy & Harry Paul
Helene & Rick Paul
Lucianna & Jared Perlin
Terry & Paul Peykar
Ethel Pinkwasser
Marjorie & Maurice D. Plough, Jr.
Suzanne & Samuel Pollack
Susan & Jeffrey Postal
Norlyn & Ed Poto
Janice & Leslie Raphan
Barbara & Jules Reich
Carmen & Sanford Reinhard
Sivan Golan & Eran Reizer
Brenda & Larry Robinson
Ceci & Leo Rosen
Jamie & David Rosenberg
Sandra Rosenow
Ace H. Rosenstein
Hilary & Matthew Rosenthal
Frani Rothman
Jodi & Richard Rozencwaig
Lori & Steven Sadaka
Becky Saka
Ellen and Robert Sall
Rochelle Sampson
Sherri Samuels
Iris & Harold Sand
Phyllis & Harvey Sandler
Marlene & Jerome Scharr
Andrea Feirstein & Frank Schiff
Jessica Schmidt, ScentsAbility
Beryl & Robert Schneider
Anna & Gene Schneur
Andrea & Larry Schnurmacher
Donna & Arthur Schreier
Judi & Allan Schuman
Barbara Schwartz
Marla & Leo Schwartz
Sheila & Lawrence Schwartz
Suzanne & Richard Schwartz
Sue & Steve Shaffer
Madelane Shane & Family
Susan J. Sheftel
Freida & Lawrence Shefter
Sheryl Frost Sherman
Samantha & Ryan Shrouder
Ambrogina & Gregory Shugar
Stephanie & Matthew Scupp
Joann & Bruce Silk
Linda and Martin Silver
Marlene & Martin Silver
Hillary & Ken Silverstein
Deni & Ron Simon
Sandra & Charles Simon
Fay & Samuel Singer
Gail & Bennett Singer
Lisa Sirota-Weiner & Douglas Weiner
Myrna & Sam Skurnick
Mason Slaine
Susan & Stevan Smallow
Robin & Samuel Smith
Shelly & Dan Snyder
Linda & Alan Sohn
Lori & Jason Solodkin
Jandy & Robert Spiegelman
Diana & David Stein
Cynthia & Paul Stein
Susan B. Stern
Joyce & Edward Stravitz
Jayne & Marvin Suskin
Carol & Stanley Sussman
Velia Sweet
Amy & Barry Sylvetsky
Julie Sylvetsky
Sam & Este Sylvetsky
Liz & Alex Taub
Julie Peyton & Don Tolep
Fayette Toren
Jennifer & Barry Toren
Lauren Sylvetsky Tsivin
Lynne Uiberall
Melanie & Ron vanderValk
Nancy & Marc Voluck
Phyllis & Arthur Wachtel
Gale Wechsler
Helene & Stephen Weicholz
Kimberly & Todd Weicholz
Dona Weinraub
Barbara & Barry Weinstein
Shirley & Barton Weisman
Sharon & Steve Wender
Bernice & Edward Wenger
Laura & Kenneth Wernick
Jodi & Steve Wigginton
Maxx Winter
Randi & David Winter
Susan & Bob Wisan
Bari & Michael Zahalsky
Jennifer & Ben Zeuner
Craig Zinn Automotive Group
Susan & Arnold Zweig
Lisa & Andrew Zwick