Join us for a special tea luncheon to raise awareness and funds for FamilyMatters
Fran Jonas & Linda Sohn
Cocktails, Dinner, Program, & Dancing
$175 per person
Summer Cocktail Attire
100% of the proceeds from the event benefit the children and families served by FamilyMatters, a JAFCO Support Network.
For more information, contact FamilyMatters Events Manager Amanda Medina León at
[email protected] or 484-385-0728.
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Atlantic City Country Club
1 Leo Fraser Drive
Northfield, NJ
6:00 pm Cocktails, Dinner, Program, Dancing
$175 per person
Underwriting and Sponsorship Opportunities
All sponsors and underwriters will receive recognition at the event and on the FamilyMatters website.
$10,000 Exclusive Food & Beverage Underwriter
Includes 9 VIP seats, full-page ad in digital journal, 18 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and prominent recognition on all event materials.
$7,500 Exclusive Audio-Visual Underwriter
Includes 8 VIP seats, half-page ad in digital journal, 16 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and recognition on all event materials.
$5,000 Exclusive Décor Underwriter
Includes 6 seats, half-page ad in digital journal, 12 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and recognition on all event materials.
$5,000 Exclusive Printing Underwriter
Includes 6 seats, half-page ad in digital journal, 12 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and recognition on all event materials.
$2,500 Exclusive Silent Auction Underwriter
Includes 4 seats, quarter-page ad in digital journal, 8 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and recognition on all event materials.
$1,000 Amalfi Sponsor
Includes 2 seats, 4 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and recognition on all event materials.
$500 Positano Sponsor
Includes 1 seat, 2 exclusive sponsor and underwriter jewelry raffle tickets, and recognition on all event materials.
For more information, please contact JAFCO FamilyMatters Events Manager Amanda Medina León at [email protected] or 484-385-0728.
Event Sponsors and Underwriters
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors and Underwriters!
Event Underwriter
Linda & Don Brodie
Entertainment Underwriter
Keith Singer | Singer Wealth
Jewelry Underwriter
Roberts Fine Jewelers
Amalfi Sponsor
Debbie & Alan Casnoff
Linda & Alan Sohn
Positano Sponsor
Fran Jonas
Event Committee
Thank You to Our Committee Members!
Event Chairs
Donna & Lou Greenberg
Helene & Bob Hordes
Carol & Stanley Sussman
Committee Members
Sandy & Alan Abeshaus
Susan & Mark Auerbach
Terry Auerbach
Cathy & Marc Backal
Leslie & Stuart Berney
Donna Brenner
Linda & Don Brodie
Bobbie & Fred Caine
Debbie & Alan Casnoff
Amy & Bob Chipetz
Stacy Claywell
Sally & Dan Feldman
Randi Flexner
Beth & Jonathan Fox
Michele & Alan Gelman
Marlene & Michael Goss
Susan Green
Debra & Paul Greenwald
Kris Gross
Ruth Jacobson
Fran Jonas
Lori & David Kaplan
Jill Kleeman
Mimi Lapat & Jerry Brown
Debbie & Henri Levit
Susan & Barry Lyman
Lynn & Steve Paul
Gail & Spencer Roman
Celeste & Burton Rose
Wendy & Richard Ruden
Emily & Philip Shore
Michael Simon
Arlene & Stanton Singer
Karen & Fred Singer
Mishelle & Keith Singer
Susan & Stevan Smallow
Shari & Jonah Smith
Linda & Alan Sohn
Bonnie & Marty Spector
Sherrie & Bill Spiegel
Bonnie Squires & Sami Ouhada
Gloria & Rolf Tragbar
Beverly Victor
Rochelle & Dennis Weismer
Amanda Medina León at [email protected] or (484)385-0728.