Silver Heart Society
- Rochelle & Arthur Adler
- DeAnna Alvarez & Peter Goodman
- Anonymous
- Martha & Mel Aronson
- Debra & Dov Bacharach
- Dara & Alan Berger
- Joan & Leslie Berman
- Stephanie & Frank Bielenberg
- Joyce Bloch
- Linda & Don Brodie
- Renee & Doug Burns
- Anita & Ralph Byer
- Gila & Allen Chelminsky
- Myra & Barry Cohen
- Lauren K. Daitch
- Annie & Abraham David
- Adele Stone & Jesse Diner
- Judith & David Dines
- Judy & Daniel Dobin
Joan & Larry Fleischman - Francee Ford
- Dorinne & Jeffrey Gerstin
- Mara & Mel Gober
- Leslie Goldberg
- Sandra & Paul Goldner
- Dorothy & James Goodman
- Maggie & Stewart Greenberg
- Margery & Stephen Greenspan
- Suzi & Joshua Herrendorf
- Becky & Laurence Herrup
- Tzippy Faye Holand
- Sylvia Kahana & Arie Taykan
- Kimberly & Leslie Kaminoff
- Alyne & Abbey Kaplan
- Nancy & Fred Katzin
- Deborah & Gerald Kramer
- Lois & Stephen Kaufman
Amy and Richard Kronrad - Myrna & Roger Landay
- Barbara E. Lebovitz & Family
- Richard G. & Clare Lesser
- Marci & Isador Mitzner
- Tammy & Richard Morgenstern
- Sandi Morris
- Margie & Maurice D. Plough, Jr.
- Robert Pomerantz in memory of Ellen Pomerantz
- Norlyn & Ed Poto
- Rabbi Amy & State Senator Kevin Rader
- Stuart Rader
- Diane & Richard Ross
- Irene & Robert Russel
- Barbara Schwartz
- Philip M. & Lee G. Schwartz Family Foundation
- Seven Bridges Women’s Philanthropy Club
- Deni & Ron Simon
- Sandi Simon
- Mishelle & Keith Singer
- Amy & Barry Sylvetsky
- Elise & Ronny Udelson
- Valencia Cove Community
- Helene & Stephen Weicholz
- Marilyn & Jay Weinberg
- Shirley & Barton Weisman
- Bernice & Edward Wenger
- Carol & Steve Winig
- Arlene & Fred Zilker
Updated 3/2021